Almost Home Wyoming

Client Stories

Exceeding Expectations

She arrived in Lander all alone and 8 months pregnant, seeking a better life for her baby. Through contacting First Stop Help Center (the first stop for many of our clients), this young woman found AHW. We found a kind landlord with a sunny trailer for rent, and helped her with furniture from our storage unit and baby items from generous donors. Fast forward five years and she's almost finished with a nursing degree from CWC and that little baby is almost ready for kindergarten! An old friend/new partner has been with her every step of the way and they now have a little sibling for that first child and a bright future.

Turning a Life Around

He came to Fremont County to change his life. Through therapy and support, he left the life of addiction behind, but how to begin again, with nothing? AHW was able to find him an apartment, and, with that home base, he secured a job. (Often, securing housing first allows clients to apply for jobs, knowing they can reliably be at work every day and have a safe place to come home to at night.) Two years later, he has his own business and even employs another recovering friend. AHW members attended his wedding, as honorary "moms."

Finding Hope

She lost her grandma, her best friend, to COVID, and returned to Fremont County from across the country, but the family problems that had forced her and her grandma to move away were still there. At only 21, she was alone in the world. AHW found her a tiny apartment and helped her furnish it, but also listened to her and supported her as she rebuilt her confidence. She's fully employed and on her own, loving her independence but touching base with "her angels" of AHW frequently.

Mourning a Loss, Starting Anew

His mom just died, he was recovering from surgery and the house he'd shared with his mom was sold out from under him. On disability, he didn't know where to turn. AHW found him an accessible apartment and helped him figure out how to apply for disability benefits and become independent.

Mom and Kids, Struggling to Survive

She has an excellent trade, but feeding several kids and paying rent takes all she earns, and an illness put her out of work for two months. Fearful of eviction, she appealed to AHW Luckily, her landlord was happy to have us help her catch up, and her oldest son turned 16 and can work after school. Her positive attitude and sunny smile have returned!

Challenge for Charities 2024 was a great success, thank you all for helping to support our mission. A huge shoutout to the Lander Community Foundation for putting this together!